Rolling Cumulus Software - Wings Over The Pacific: Episode 1 - The Solomon Islands Campaign 1943
Allied success in the Solomon Islands campaign prevented the Japanese from cutting Australia and New Zealand off from the United States. Operation Cartwheel, the Allied grand strategy for the Solomons and New Guinea campaigns, was launched on June 30 1943, isolating and neutralising Rabaul and destroying much of Japan's sea and air supremacy. This opened the way for Allied forces to recapture the Philippines and cut off Japan from its crucial resource areas in the Dutch East Indies.
The 'Jumping Jacks 44th Air Cargo Division' participated in this theatre with their C-47s and C-46s. You can join the squadron of the famous two-engine queens flying between the many airfields taken from the enemy as the months went by. Landing in short fields full of mud, grass and mosquitoes, bringing supplies to the troops and taking the wounded back to the main bases will be some of the missions.
Wings Over The Pacific re-creates the heroic work young pilots did, with enemy fighters hunting for them day and night. Fly over the Solomons in epic times.
Incudes ten detailed WWII airfields: Tempel Emergency, Lapari, Vunakanua, Torres, Barakoma, Carney, 'Ghost Atoll, Ringi, Afutura and an 'undisclosed' airfield
High detail WWII2 USAAF C-47 texture for freeware aircraft
use any aircraft in your hangar
Use any weather theme
Detailed map for every mission
Complete manual
System Requirements:
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (Standard, Deluxe or Premium Deluxe PC/Steam edition)
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