FS Traffic news

Xbox frustrations and PC edition update
22 August 2024


Over the past six months we have been focused on trying to get the software ready for Xbox. Due to both the nature of the software and the intake process, this has taken much more of our development time than we would have liked. And the struggles continue.

Due to the memory limitations of the consoles, especially on Series S, and despite many attempts to optimise the memory usage of the fleet, we have struggled to spawn enough aircraft into the sim to make the product worthy of release. This simply can't be achieved without reducing scenery and textures to an unusable level or without running into stability issues.

A potential solution would be the substantial memory improvements that were due in Sim Update 16, but given that the update has now been pushed back until after the release of MSFS 2024, we have no other option other than to pause development of the Xbox version. We understand this will be disappointing news - it is for us too - but we’re simply not willing to release the product in its current state. The team will assess the situation once SU16 is released and hopefully work can then begin again.


We’re aware that an update was promised and is long overdue. The good news is that next month will see updates for both the Core and Fleet installers. These will bring a plethora of bug fixes and improvements to the Traffic Control Centre and core software as well as dozens of new liveries to the fleet. The updates will also make their way to the Marketplace version, so those who purchased there will benefit from the update too. A provisional changelog can be viewed on our forum here.

We look forward to sharing our further plans for FS Traffic with you in the near future.

FS Traffic (PC edition Forum update)

FS Traffic (PC edition Forum update)

FS Traffic (PC edition Forum update)